
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2023

treat me like a doll (about traumas and emotional connection).

 when i was about 7 years old, my cousin (3 years older than me) used to come to my house, usually at night. we were always very close since we were of similar age and she lived right nearby, so she was almost like a sister to me. around this time, she also used to come and sort of babysit me. i don't know what led to what, but somehow, she started to experiment with me. obviously i didn't oblige. it's a girl, and she's doing this with me that i "like". i mean, i knew what sex was at that age, and yes, that early. i started masturbating when i was 6, so this wasn't so new to me. she would come and, we'd be alone, i'd be watching something and she'd wave her hands at me and ask me to do things, like, for instance, kissing her. in one specific day, and as i recall, the last time something like this happened, she asked me to do something that i didn't want to. my reason was childish, but as we all know, children are naive and don't think